

Aromatherapy can be used in various different ways, but it almost always involves essential oils. Essential oils are extracted from various plants and herbs, usually from the stem, and capture the essence of the plant: its smell and flavor. Essential oils are usually extracted through distillation with steam or water, or in a more modern way, through cold pressing. These oils have various different health benefits and have been used to cure illnesses for centuries. This leads us to aromatherapy. Aromatherapy can be done in various different ways, with the small whiff of the essential oils being the most important part. Whether you’re getting an aromatherapy massage or using an aromatherapy essential oil diffuser, as long as you can smell the essential oils, you can practice aromatherapy. This being said, there are countless benefits to aromatherapy.

The most common reason aromatherapy is practiced these days is the relieve stress. With our busy lives, indulging in aromatherapy at the end of a long day can help you to relax and keep your mind (and body) at ease. Whether you prefer an essential oil massage or want to make use of an essential oil diffuser, simply decompressing while inhaling the smells of the essential oils will do wonders to calm the mind, ease tense muscles and eliminate anxiety.

The best oils to use for stress and anxiety relief include lavender, bergamot, lemon, and ylang-ylang.

Essential oils help increase circulation in the body, which in turn helps to raise energy levels and stimulate your mind. A small whiff of some essential oils or using a diffuser should give your body and mind the kick it needs. 

The best oils to use for an energy boost include jasmine, tea tree, rosemary, and sage.

An aromatherapy massage before bed can do wonders for the body and the mind and help you fall away into a peaceful slumber, but if that is not possible, you can make use of a diffuser or simply sprinkle your pillow with a few drops of essential oil. You can also use a carrier oil like coconut or avocado, mix it with essential oil, and massage it into your temples and wrists. I do this with my favorite smelling essential oil and wear it as perfume! I find it to smell very clean and natural. 

The best essential oils to use for a good night’s rest include lavender, chamomile, neroli, and ylang-ylang.


  1. Hey Iliana,
    I did not know that aromatherapy can be a real thing. I know that when I smell food I get excited or even more hungry, but I did not know that I can use essentials oils for aid. I really like the smell of lavender because it is just so good and calming. It really does make you feel relaxed. I might need to try it out since I am constantly stressed. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Hi Iliana, I am a firm believer in aromatherapy and I can confirm that it is beneficial and it helps me when I need it. I find it interesting how certain aromas have different aiding properties. I really like using lemon for energy or when I feel sick and have a stuffy nose. I also like the calming properties of lavender and sage. Since I do struggle with stress, I would need to try ylang-ylang. I used to use a lot of incense but I ran out and haven't had the chance to go back to it. Great post overall !

  3. Hi Iliana!
    I actually had never heard of aromatherapy until one day I got a massage and I was facing extreme stress and they recommended me diffuser. Honestly at first I was kind of unsure but it definitely helps, I got a diffuser and it became something essential for me. Sometimes it is crazy to me that oils can provide that many benefits but it is truly amazing. Since I moved away for college I forgot my diffuser at home but now today that I was reading about this I will bring it to school this next semester. I saw some other oils that I want to try and did not know the benefits but thank you for informing about it. great blog!


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